Home> #BIGDATAFORBLOODCANCER campaign for clinicians and researchers: April - July 2021.> 1. A wealth of information for targeted therapies

1. A wealth of information for targeted therapies

June 04, 2021 16:17 - x 00, 0 - 00:00


In hematology, we have been using Big Data to develop precision diagnostics and precision medicine approaches in blood cancer treatment for a long time already. We have been using genetic diagnostics to stratify patients in order to select the right treatment for the right patient. In addition, Hematologic Malignancies were among the first diseases where targeted therapies were implemented.

One of the driving forces behind precision medicine in hematology is the HARMONY Alliance: a Public-Private Partnership for Big Data in Hematology. Funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) of the EU, HARMONY unites more than 100 European organizations, varying from medical associations and hospitals, to research institutes, patient organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and more.

Big data for big questions

To answer the key outstanding questions about blood cancer, researchers need harmonized and high-quality data on treatment outcomes in thousands of patients. Therefore, the HARMONY Alliance has developed the HARMONY Big Data Platform which has already identified over 90.000 anonymized patient records. Leading research teams are making use of innovative Big Data analytic tools, creating a wealth of information to answer critical questions about these diseases. Results of the HARMONY Projects will accelerate the development of more effective treatments for patients with blood cancers.

Read the #Bigdataforbloodcancer Blog: Balance between Big Data and Cybersecurity, with a real impact on patients with Hematological tumors >

by HARMONY Partners: Dr. Guillermo Sanz, Head of the Clinical Hematology Section at Hospital Universitario La Fe from Valencia and HARMONY Co-Chair and Dr. Jesús María Hernández Rivas, specialist of the Hematology Service of the University Hospital of Salamanca and HARMONY Coordinator.

#bigdataforbloodcancer campaign

The HARMONY Alliance has launched a #bigdataforbloodcancer communication campaign for you! We are aiming to engage with even more professionals and non-professionals in the field of hematology to explain what Big Data can mean for them in their daily work and for patients. Please contact us if you want to help us improve the lives of patients with blood cancer. Special activities to inform professionals are launched in June during EHA2021*. Special communication activities for patients and their carers were executed in September 2021 leading up to the 1st World Big Data for Blood Cancer Awareness Day on 30 September. Read more >.

New results

The HARMONY Alliance participated in the 26th Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association, EHA (9-17 June 2021). An excellent opportunity to reach out to all EHA2021 conference participants about Big Data in Hematology. EHA is a Partner of the HARMONY Alliance. Contributions by HARMONY Partners demonstrated the potential of big data to improve blood cancer treatment. Read more >. HARMONY presented new insights in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), read more >.

HARMONY also participated in the 63nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, ASH (11-14 December 2021). HARMONY researchers presented new results that may improve the prognostication of patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). Read more >

Become involved

Co-operative working groups, hospitals and academic institutions are invited to collaborate and contribute data. Join the HARMONY Alliance: watch our video and/or contact us now >

Not contributing data, but having a general interest in Big Data in Hematology and in HARMONY? Become part of our network, subscribe here >

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