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Is the pharma industry missing the big picture? And can data-driven approaches reveal it? Sharing the new Elsevier Reaxys white paper.

October 24, 2017 08:00 - x 00, 0 - 00:00


Drug Attrition in Check: Shifting Information Input to Where it Matters. Since the early 1990s, R&D expenditure by U.S. pharmaceutical companies has grown exponentially, but not because more drugs are being produced and approved.

The average number of new chemical entities approved by the Food and Drug Administration each year has shown no upward trend in the past 30 years. Current drug development approaches are coming up with plenty of new candidates, but 80 to 90% of these fail to make it to market. That means that the few drugs that are approved must carry the cost of the inefficient development process. Attrition rates must be brought under control to reduce the rising costs of drug development, but the focus and scope of traditional methods have proven too narrow. Hope lies in early drug discovery that is driven by the vast resources of biology and chemistry data already available to us. This white paper looks at how improved data flows for the discovery and optimization of lead candidates could hugely benefit the pharmaceutical industry. Injecting better knowledge into early drug development would help recognize failure early on, ensuring only the highest-quality compounds would progress to the more expensive later stages of drug development.

Download the Elsevier Reaxys white paper.

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