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Listen to the interview with Prof Anthony Moorman, Newcastle University, HARMONY Partner

August 01, 2018 11:27 - x 00, 0 - 00:00

@HARMONY-Talks: This is an interview with Prof Anthony Moorman, Newcastle University, HARMONY Partner.

Prof. Moorman is leading the Pediatric Hematologic Malignancies Group. Pediatric Malignancies are the second leading cause of mortality in children in developed countries and hematologic malignancies (HMs) account for 40% of pediatric malignancies. Typical symptoms of pediatric HMs are fatigue and frequent infections. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common HM in children; the other HMs that are studied in HARMONY are rare in children. Read more >>



Watch more interviews we filmed at the 23rd Congerss of the European Hematology Association, which took place in Stockholm, Sweden from 14 - 17 June, 2018.

Click here to visit the HARMONY Youtube channel >> and listen to:


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