Home> #BIGDATAFORBLOODCANCER campaign for clinicians and researchers: April - July 2021.> 9. Become involved

9. Become involved

May 22, 2021 23:22 - x 00, 0 - 00:00

Join the HARMONY Alliance

The HARMONY Alliance consist of approx. 100 public-private partners, with up to 400 HARMONY Ambassadors spread over Europe and other continents. Our active community facilitates collaborations between academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, HTA and regulatory agencies, hospitals, patient organizations and medical associations.

Please contact us if you want to help us improve the lives of patients with blood cancer >

What we offer for ...


Researchers and Industry



Watch our video >

Note: Instead of over 60,000, HARMONY has already identified over 70,000 anonymized patient records per June 2021.

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