Home> News> Lessons learned and inspriration gained during the HARMONY Alliance Bootcamp in Bologna

Lessons learned and inspriration gained during the HARMONY Alliance Bootcamp in Bologna

April 11, 2024 16:45 - x 00, 0 - 00:00

#bigdataforbloodcancer, Big Data Platform, Data science

The HARMONY Alliance organized a bootcamp for early-career hematologists on 26 and 27 March 2024 in Bologna, Italy, in close collaboration with the European Hematology Association, the University of Bologna, IBSAL and INFN/CNAF.

We welcomed ambitious early-career hematologists, active in research and aware of the fact that data-innovations are a substantial part of their work now and in the future. 23 young professionals working at HARMONY Alliance Partner organizations were selected to participate after submitting a motivation letter and CV. Seasoned senior hematologists and expert data scientists joined our group to present and to mentor. The HARMONY data science team provided training sessions.

Organizing educational and practical meet ups addresses our ambition to grow our community, and more hematologists will experience the benefit working with data analytic tools and being part of research collaborations. The better they are ‘equipped’ the better they can explain their ideas and requirements to data science teams in (future) research projects. 

The bootcamp learning objectives were:

The 2 day program consisted of plenary lectures fueling the collective pursuit to leverage the power of Big Data in hematology. Parallel training sessions focussed on practical analysis cases, exploration, visualization tools, analytics dashboards, simulation of patient risk, and machine learning outcomes. Throughout the program guided and open interactions were encouraged. Walks through the centre of Bologna and enjoying the Italian food in cosy restaurants completed the success of this intensive event.

Lecturers/mentors and their topics:

Big Data Platform trainers:

Our data science teams provided a deep and practical dive into working with the HARMONY Big Data Platform, its integrated services and the HARMONY Data Dashboards. Through training and assignments bootcampers gained knowledge about the HARMONY data and were thought how to understand the process of extracting valuable insights. 

Are you interested to attend future bootcamps or big data platform training events? Send an email to Ellen de Waal.







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