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HARMONY Alliance participates in EHA2022

In Vienna and virtual

June 09, 2022 08:00 - June 17, 2022 - 20:00

Experts of the HARMONY Alliance will be presenting at the EHA2022 Congress. The Annual Congress is organized from 9-12 June 2022. Attendees can participate in person at the Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center in Vienna, Austria and virtual through the congress platform. From 15-17 June 2022 the EHA2022 Thematic Days will take place all virtual. Read more >

EHA is a highly valued HARMONY and HARMONY PLUS Partner. 

Overview of our activities at EHA2022

During the EHA2022 hybrid congress | at the Messe Wien Congress Center Vienna

During the EHA2022 Thematic Days | virtual throug the congress platform

#bigdataforbloodcancer: Accelerating Better and Faster Treatment for Patients with Hematologic Malignancies.

The HARMONY Alliance (HARMONY and HARMONY PLUS) is a public-private European Network of Excellence for Big Data in Hematology. Our mission is to unlock and spread valuable knowledge on hematologic malignancies (blood cancers) among a large number of stakeholders, with the goal to harness and mine Big Data to speed up the development of improved treatments for patients and more effective treatment strategies.


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