MDS-3: Prognostic factors to hypomethylating agents
CML-5: Prevalence of clinically relevant problems and symptoms ...
CML-4: Correlation of demographic, disease and therapy
CML-3: A comparison study of 'toxicity over time' and QoL among ...
HARMONY Alliance Research Project title: The impact of
HARMONY Alliance Research Project title: Clinical Meaning
CLL-2: Exploring the occurrence of other malignancies
MPN-2: Using big data to improve risk prediction in patients ...
CLL: Delphi Survey Project: Towards a Core Outcome Set for Chronic ...
AML-3: Using big data to shed light on the clinical impact of ...
AML-4: Using big data to confirm the link between MRD and survival ...
AML-5: Exploring a role for HARMONY data as historical control ...
Public-private partnership for Big Data in Hematology
HARMONY and HARMONY PLUS are funded through the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), Europe's largest public-private initiative aiming to speed up the development of better and safer medicines for patients. Funding is received from the IMI 2 Joint Undertaking and is listed under grant agreement for HARMONY No. 116026 and grant agreement for HARMONY PLUS No. 945406. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
HARMONY Coordination Office
Institute of Biomedical Research of
Salamanca (IBSAL)
Salamanca, Spain
HARMONY Communications
European Hematology Association (EHA)
The Hague, The Netherlands