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HARMONY Alliance newsletter: Latest updates in February 2020


February 18, 2020 12:41 - x 00, 0 - 00:00

Newsletter 2/2020

Over the past 2 years, the HARMONY Alliance has evolved to become one of Europe’s leading initiatives for Big Data in healthcare. With the support of 100 partnering organizations, we have so far identified data sets from 45,000 patients with blood cancer. The HARMONY Big Data Platform processes these data using Big Data Analytics, in order to generate evidence that can be used to answer critical research questions in hematology. In 2020, we look forward to collaborating with more partners to gather even more meaningful insights across seven blood cancers.  

Does your institution have data to contribute to HARMONY? Contact us today to become a part of HARMONY’s mission! 

Watch our journey so far

Since its launch in January 2017, HARMONY has grown considerably in both size and scientific standing. To illustrate our objectives and most notable accomplishments to date, we have created this short video. Please share this with your peers to help show what we do and increase awareness of Big Data innovations in Hematology.

We've updated our website

We’re making it easier for you to find what you are looking for. New features include:

Five steps to becoming a HARMONY Associated Member

Does your institution have data to contribute to HARMONY? If so, become an Associated Member!

We aim to make every step of the HARMONY onboarding process as simple as possible. Our short fact sheet outlines the key steps to becoming an Associated Member of the HARMONY Alliance. View it here.

Where to meet us

HARMONY will be attending key European congresses throughout the year. Contact us today to arrange a one-to-one meeting at the following events:

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